All information and material here within this website is copyright and property of Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy
Classes - Master, private, group & online
Si-Jo John Souglides Ph.D. offers you Master Classes and Private Classes within a individual or group environment, these classes are for beginners to advanced students who are serious about their training. These classes are not focused on competition classes; they are focused on self development, various traditional arts, philosophy, chi-kung, awareness, metaphysics and energy classes.
Master classes are about discovering yourself, what works for you and what may need to be worked on, discovering the inner inherent wisdom, through understanding ourselves our inherent wisdom emerges.
Self mastery may take a life time; it is only those who receive the guidance and wisdom from a Master Teacher like Si-Jo, are able to understand themselves and their purpose. A high level of standard is important in furthering yourself. Students who wish to apply in becoming one of his private students contact Si-Jo directly.
Master Classes - looking to take your martial arts to higher levels
Si-Jo John Souglides Ph.D. developed his own system through decades of teaching and refining the arts, throughout the the classes he assesses what is best suited for each individual he teaches. He focuses on developing and refining his student’s skills within each individual personality and their martial arts.
Classes may consist of various philosophy, bare-hand and weapons forms, self defence, meditation, body-mind-spirit development, understanding the traditions and systems.
Through these teachings his students are able to discover their personal potentials, strengthen their weaknesses within their training and within their own lives. He allows each student opportunities in discovering their inherent potentials thereby cultivatating through his guidance and teachings.
Start your journey today, discover your true essence, train in an environment that cultivates and develops you.
Master Classes - Private Tuition is available for individuals and groups.
Self Mastery may take a life time, it is only those whom receive the wisdom from a Master Instructor like John Souglides Ph.D. are able to understand themselves and their purpose.
John Souglides Ph.D. is selective to the students he teaches and those seeking to advance themselves within his systems.
Si-Jo John Souglides Ph.D. has the right to accept or decline your application based on morals, values and integrity of good standing. Once your classes begin, should you be unable to maintain and or uphold the rules and regulations set out by Si-Jo John Souglides Ph.D. and the Songshan Kung-Fu Executive Academy your membership may be suspended or terminated. These classes are for serious individuals or groups who are searching for authentic traditional and metaphysical training, if you feel you have what it takes to take yourself to a higher level of evolution; then you are here for the right purpose. Contact Si-Jo receive your application form.
Remote Learning
These classes are designed for serious comitted students who are ready to further theri studies with Si-Jo
Classes are conducted privately or within the group environment
Group casses of the same level may include students from other parts of the world, providing you are all on similar training level
Fee Investments:
my usual fee per class is US$150.00 this changes when you are partaking in monthly classes
past students wishing to train monthly, fee is AUS$55.00 / US$55 per month per student 1 - 2 lessons per week or 4 – 8 lessons a month
you are required to partake in a minimum of 4 lessons a month to keep your place
there is also an AUS$18.00 / US$18.00 yearly membership fee to be paid together at the start of first month training
private classes are available on request A$55.00 / US$55.00 per lesson, minimum of 4 lessons a month
fees need to reflect on or before the 1st of each month for that months training
fees are paid via paypal through my website, login details will be given to you once you are ready to proceed and once we have commenced
Training and grading : - all listed can be changed without prior notice
All items required to be sent from myself not electronic (downloading), will be charged for i.e. t-shirts, items required for grading or classes, sash colours and t-shirts. If any item/s need to be exchanged the costs both ways will be paid by the student, t-shirt sizes are very important, we also supplying pants, jackets and training shoes
All certification will be sent electronically, a minimal charge will be added for making up of your certification, membership book
Videos part of your training classes may be charged at a minimal fee, covers camera man and quality video processing and creating. These will be sent to you via fast easy download access.
Members login will be available to students to access their material or information for themselves privately or collectively
Distant or remote healing sessions are offered on request to students who may require healing. These services are located on my other site
Your best investment
Confirm your investment for any of our services i.e. classes, uniform, material, products and all training related items, click donate now >>>>
Click on the donate button and enter the total amount you are paying for.
Make a note of the items you are paying for record keeping, to make sure you receive your correct order.
Make sure you are paying the exact amount, if unsure of your investment contact us so our staff may assist you best we can.

Online training system.
Once your membership has been accepted, you are welcome to purchase online Kung-fu lessons and download them directly to your computer for your personal use, or utilise them as a teaching tool if you are one of our representatives. Lessons are given by Si-Jo John Souglides PhD or one of his certified trainers (all our certified teachers - to check please contact us), in an easy to understand format in a one on one individualised approach.
Learning from the Heart
Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy was founded in 1990 by Si-Jo John Souglides. It is one academy that teaches traditional and metaphysical / spiritual / alternative self developmental arts.
It is a family system of hard and soft styles focused on the art, self development of body mind spirit. Quality of your training comes from the time and effort you put into it. Kung-fu is a way, a lifestyle; it gives you alternative and direction for a better way, a better life.
Lessons through Zoom
Private, group and corporate classes via Zoom or webinar now available.
Songshan Kung-Fu Executive Academy
“The art is not the limitation of others. The art is in the growth of self, the inner strength lives for ever the outward is restricting.”
A journey is one of many facets; there is knowledge that can be supportive and expanding in one’s growth, there are those that can be toxic. In life one is able to absorb either, it takes wisdom to understand which is better for you.
Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy online grading system.
You are here to begin your journey in becoming a certified Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy practitioner and official member of the family system.
You will have the opportunity to be able to move through the levels and grades and be graded by Si-Jo John Souglides in accordance with the grading system used in the Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy head office, South Africa.
After each grading you will receive an official grading certificate and a sash when grading to your relevant level. You will then be able to train for the next level/grading.
To be able to become eligible for the grading system you are required to register as a member of the the Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy.
Registration is free, once you have registered you will be required to purchase a Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy t-shirt to be eligible to partake in your grading as an official student.
Full training kits are available for those wishing to train and grade at any of my Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academies. Senior students will have the opportunity in obtaining the official formal gown and attire and have the photo placed on the official Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy area as a sign of their hard work, achievement and recognition and loyalty to Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy.
Grading Requirements.
Become a registered member of Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy (via the Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy website).
Purchase a Songshan Kung-fu Executive Academy t-shirt (required for grading). Clothing kits are available (pants, sash and t-shirt)
Video yourself and uploaded your video for assessment.
Grading fee - AU$30 or US$30.00 (paypal) your fee includes postage of your grading certificate, sash etc. Once you are satisfied with your level of achievement, you will be able to upload your video to be reviewed by Si-Jo John Souglides. If there are any more requirements in making your techniques more refined and possibly improve on your form, Si-Jo will explain so you may practice those adjustments and resubmit for grading (there is no extra cost for resubmitting).
Once you have been accepted through your competency displayed within your grading video, Si-Jo will pronounce your success to move to the next level or grading.
Gradings must always start from white belt, all junior levels must be completed first before commencing to the next levels/gradings. All gradings must be satisfactory by Si-Jo John Souglides before a student may proceed to the next level in the grading system. A student may purchase other levels if they wish at any time.