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Medical Intuitive
Besides many other unique gifts Si-Jo is also a Medical/Healing/Energetic Intuitive. Being able to identify problematic areas affecting the health and well being within individuals.
He is also able to further identify specific timelines within various energetic body/s where the initial dis-ease has been triggered from, where it comes from and from/in which particular dimension/s it stems and resides within the vastness of the entirety of the individual.
In today’s age people have become aware of higher consciousness and delve deeper in the spiritual realms in order to search for truth and understanding of the deeper aspects within the universe. A better understanding of the multitude and vastness of spiritual realms is evident within societies now days.
“The medical/energetic/natural intuitive healing I conduct has its priority with the health and wellness of those I consult. I respond to the absolute best, most accurate and reliable, intuitive assessments that are possible that I can offer. I am duty bound to give my clients their money’s worth. I also rarely ‘miss’. I go to extraordinary measures to keep up these gifts and skills to be a first rate medical intuitive that takes more than ‘psychic abilities’.
What is a medical/healing/energetic intuitives?
Medical intuition utises a focused, intuitive instinct to be able to ‘diagnose/read’ energy, energetic resonances and frequencies information within and around the various levels of the body i.e. physical, Etheric, mental, emotional, astral and beyond. This talent to utilise intuitive skills is an innate, natural phenomenon. It can be honed through persistent practice as with any other human activity. Those who practices this unique art and science is called a 'medical intuitive'.
What does medical/healing/energetic intuitives actually do?
A medical intuitive is able to perform a variety of tasks depending on their level of expertise and skill, professional experience, world view and medical/natural/energetic healing background and education.
What is involved?
A typical session will consist of intuitively scanning the client's various bodies and being.
Then the client provides verbal or written feedback, occasionally the information can be provided to the client’s doctor and/or health care professional. This medically orientated data/information is utilised to better prepare a specific, detailed treatment plan for the client.
Who are medical/healing/energetic intuitives?
Most medical intuitive are medical doctors or work with one, it is not common to find someone who provides information. Usually medical intuitives offer some medical or healing intervention themselves.
Another type of medical intuitive is the ‘healing intuitive’. These are individuals who lack traditional medical training, yet they have the unique inner gift of ‘knowing’. They are often found in professions dealing with bodywork, counselling and other non-medical healing arts.
They are the ones who seem to always understand and know the right thing, they place their hands, attention, energy in the right place where there are affected areas within individuals.
It is common that a healing intuitive does not have the technical understanding of what they are doing, yet they have an inner knowing. They would not be able to explain the mechanisms by which they gain information or how they provide healing care.
A 'natural healing intuitive' is an ascendant of the healing intuitive. Typically, a 'natural healing intuitive' is trained and/or experienced in one or more healing arts such as homeopathy, naturopathy, etc.
This person can provide technical, specific 'natural health' oriented feedback to the client. Often, a treatment plan focusing on natural healing therapies is provided to the client based upon the intuitive information uncovered.
On the rare occasion, a person is experienced and talented enough to be in all three categories: medical, healing and natural healing intuitive. Obviously, if you are led to seek assistance from an intuitive, a person with this multiple skill set might prove preferable
What can a medical/healing/energetic intuitives do for me?
A gifted medical or natural healing intuitive can 'see' (ability to see on a various multi-dimensional level) and identify specific imbalances, illnesses, weaknesses, dis-ease and preclinical disease states internally and externally of the human or being.
They are also able to 'read' the strengths and positives of the client's health and wellness. Simply, they can 'see/view' things that even the most sophisticated medical and natural healing diagnostic tests can not reveal!
Due to the intensity and deep nature of the intuitive's work, specific conditions can be detected thus allowing specific preemptive work to be conducted in order to stop them from manifesting within the body into outward physical disease.
The advantage of this should be obvious
Discoveries of many wellness orientated intuitive healers/practioners are skills beyond the normalities of dealing purely with the physical aspects/levels of the client's health challenge. Some intuitives work beyond the mental, emotional, astral and spiritual realms and are able to uncover specific details of the individual client. Some intuitives intuit beyond all senses known to the average person, this requires a deeper and more esoteric influences pertaining to the clients state of health.
Each individual client's competense in level of understanding and each practitioner's level of skill dictates the diversity and focus of an intuitive session. Usually in all cases a practitioner will honor and respect a client's specific request to analyse some particular aspect/s of the clients situation at hand. Without any preconceived outcome or 'test results' should be anticipated by a potential client.
Is this even possible?
Scepticism is usually common around any topic that is not visible to the naked eye, that exists and is way beyond the first five senses.
With medical intuition, healing intuition and natural healing intuition have proven time and time again accurate in countless cases. The proven reality of medical intuition and intuitive healing transcends both that the belief and possibility exists. It is not a theory or postulation.
To ease ones mind it is suggested to investigate medical and intuitive healing and the sister modalities. To ease ones curiosity it is urged to find out wheather this would be beneficial for you or not.
Si-Jo has been a Medical Intuitive/Healing Intuitive for many years, below are descriptions of what a medical intuitive represents, some explanations and questions answered.
In alternative medicine, a Medical Intuitive/Intuitive Healer is a person who allegedly uses their intuition to find the cause of a physical, mental, emotional or astral condition/s. Many medical intuitives also claim to heal illness using "intuitive energies", although healing is not necessarily within the scope of practice for all Medical Intuitives. Some Medical Intuitives claim that they can diagnose, and in some cases, treat illness over the telephone. Medical intuitives are not licensed medical professionals and their ability to accurately diagnose disease is not supported by scientific evidence.

Si-Jo's services are utilised by:
members of the public
business & corporate professionals
members within various governments
members within police, military & other
local and international guests
At one of the international competitions where Si-Jo was attending, during a bout one of the competitors kicked another competitor so hard that he was instantly knocked out.The injured competitor began to have seizures and foam at the mouth. The medics and officials were unable to revive this individual.
Si-Jo intervened; he immediately identified where the area of the brain was affected and where the area of the brain was swelling from the deadly impact of the blow received.Si-Jo placed his hand over specific areas of this injured persons head without touching him. Within seconds this individual eyes started to focus. the seizures stopped, the body that was shaking violently instantly stopped. The foaming stopped, the individual was revived and started to breath again as his breathing stopped from the impact of the deadly kick.
"In my opinion with the severity of the impact and damaged caused by the kick received to the head, this individual would have either died or received brain damage.
Everyone was amazed at how fast the recovery happened as I started to work on this chap. The medics and all around could not revive him and I did not want to waste time as this guy was on his way out. So I instantly sprang into action and did what I needed to do.
Utilising my gifts I was able to see where the problem areas were, unblocking the damage and allowing the energy to flow correctly. Should it have been left, in my opinion this guy would have paid the highest price.
After transferring energy to the damaged areas and working on him without touching him, I was able to extract the energy created from the impact and allow the good/chi/prana energy to flow. By doing that it alleviated the swelling to the brain. If one can call it the circuitry was reactivated which allowed a very fast track recovery.
The crowd was amazed at my speed of how I worked and the speed of this chap's recovery. When I was done I returned to my seat, as the competition had to continue.
I was pleased that I was able to get there in time and do what I could, a few seconds late would have been to late". - Si-Jo.
The practice of using intuition or clairvoyance for medical information dates back to Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) whose intuitive healing practice began in 1854. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was known as a Medical Clairvoyant and is probably to this day the most documented of all medical clairvoyants, although modern historical analysis has debunked the vast majority of his claims.
Dr. Norm Shealy along with Caroline Myss first coined the term "Medical Intuitive" in 1987 as part of Shealy's research on intuition and medical application. Some Medical Intuitives report that they can 'see' inside objects as well as the body. Other Medical Intuitives assert that they can view energetic problems in a person's aura before any physical signs of illness can be detected. Some Medical Intuitives claim to 'see' areas of illness as dark, grainy, or sticky energy while others claim to 'see' the organ itself.
Faith healers often claim to have divinely appropriated medical intuitive abilities. William M. Branham, the father of the Pentecostal Latter Rain Movement was said by his followers to be able to discern the health condition of people that attended his services, and in many cases heal them of their affliction. Evidence for these healings is all anecdotal and testimonial and have not been medically verified. After his death, Branhams sons wrote a book cataloging many of his errors.
This definition is part of a series that covers the topic of Intuition. The Official Guide to Intuition is Dr. Judith Orloff. Dr. Orloff is a a board-certified psychiatrist and assistant professor of psychiatry at UCLA. Her latest book Positive Energy (Harmony Books) completes a trilogy of books around awakening intuition and subtle energy.
Dr. Orloff has spoken at medical schools, hospitals, the American Psychiatric Association, Fortune Magazine’s Most Powerful Women Summit, and alternative and traditional health forums—venues where she presents practical intuitive tools to doctors, patients, and everyday people.
A medical/healing/energetic intuitive is a psychic or intuitive counselor who specialises in perceiving information concerning the human body. Medical intuitives can energetically see and diagnose the insides (organs, glands, blood, energetic bodies etc) of the individuals various levels and bodies. A medical intuitive is also known as 'Psychic Diagnostician'.
Become your own 'Intuitive Healer'
Everyone has the ability to become a competent self-healing intuitive, some may even become more than just competent. As explained some have the ability to see beyond any man made or other devices.
If you are able to scan/read yourself and take time to connect to your deeper level of issues/problems/downfalls this will activate a deeper understanding of yourself. As intuition only requires remembering this will allow the activation of inner self in understanding the common to deeper levels of levels and dimensions of self.
You will be able to be in control of your own life and destiny.
With proper guidance and training as offered within the Suxuria Teachings, proper guidance and training of course allows the unfolding of your own unique gifts.
All animals are natural healers as they are able to intuit their own medical needs - all beings including humans have these abilities and capabilities. Society has unfortunately robbed humanity of their innate abilities in this area. People commonly seek 'professional' help from mainstream yet they have systematically given and/or suppressed their innate gifts.
People need to simply start in taking their own rights and gifts in the areas/fields of self-medicine and self care. When this happens then society will certainly be a healthier one in physical, mental, emotional and other. It is the right time now to reclaim self by becoming your own medical/energetic/healer intuitive.
No need to doubt or be scared
Most individuals who practice in this field of medical/healing/energetic intuitive are highly evolved and incredible people with very high integrity and respect, yet there are very few.
It is my opinion, if you are not utilising the gifts and competence of an medical/healing/energetic intuitive as part of your wellness team, you are certainly missing a very important tool in achieving true wellness.